
Ever think about how sometimes we get introduced to people but never really get to know the person... so all you do is remember maybe their name or maybe just their face. Months even years may go by without seeing them again. And when you do end up coming across that person again, it's sorta like you need a reintroduction because so long a time has gone by that you don't actually remember them. I believe that's what happens many times with our relationship with Jesus. Maybe we get introduced to Him once or we hear about Him, but never really build a friendship with Him. Perhaps for others you did have that relationship with Him, were best friends, talked everyday and completely in sync, but then you somehow drifted apart. Those cloudy days came rolling in and you lost contact. So then what? You feel like you're almost strangers and the coming back around seems difficult. Sorta like when dialing those 7 numbers to call a friend you haven't made the time to call in awhile.. the feeling of guilt for letting so much time gone by overshadows the want to reconnect. Don't let that stop you from reaching out. Because thank God for reintroductions! The only glitch to these reintroductions is that just like first impressions, you gotta make them last. Therefore, the second time around you cannot let the opportunity of having that intimacy with Him slip away, again. Build a firm and tight bond with God before the initial curiosity fades away.


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